In this transformative project, students embarked on a journey from identifying a 'signal of change' to creating immersive fictional worlds. The assignment began with the selection of a pivotal signal – a trend, innovation, or event with the potential to reshape our future. From this seed of possibility, students developed comprehensive futures wheels, mapping out the complex web of direct and indirect consequences stemming from their chosen signal.
Utilizing the futures wheel, students envisioned various scenarios, each a unique fictional world where their signal of change had unfolded in different ways. These narratives explored the social, environmental, and technological implications of the signal, creating a rich tapestry of potential futures.
The creative pinnacle of this assignment was the prototype phase. Students materialized their speculative futures into tangible concepts, crafting prototypes that would thrive in their imagined worlds. These prototypes were not merely products; they embodied the needs, challenges, and opportunities of their respective futures, demonstrating innovative thinking and design prowess.