SIZE: 220 cm X 130 cm X 130 cm
MEDIUM: Installation (Fabric), flower, bamboo sticks
DESCRIPTION: Inspired by the Victorian era, the artwork addresses an illusionistic view of heartbreak, a visual deception that is different from reality, showcasing the paradox between happiness and suffering. The intention was for the audience to experience this emotion for themselves by going inside the dress, encountering a different perspective compared to looking at the dress from the outside. I chose to not hide the crinoline as it represents the real and ugly features of heartbreak, created with the intention of being asymmetrical and held together by unstable tape. The dress is on the verge of falling part, mimicking the emotion of heartbreak.
Inspiration: Victoria Era Ball Gowns
Ideas and Brainstorming
Ideas and Brainstorming
Corset making process
Assembling pieces together and started creating the crinoline, a structure designed to hold out a woman's skirt. It was a difficult process as the cage kept leaning to one side, where I then decided to hang the entire dress from the ceiling to ensure it is balanced.
Final Artwork